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Prep School Boosts Invoice Management and Payment Efficiency

May 10, 2024

Landon School

“Before AvidXchange, I focused 50% of my time on invoice processes and approvals. Now that it’s automated, I’ve cut that time in half and can transition my efforts to other financial business projects like our corporate credit card program.”

men working at a table on laptops

Landon School

Landon School is a national leader in boys’ college preparatory education, offering a challenging and character-building program for Grades 3-12. The school is located in Bethesda, Maryland. 

•  Industry: K-12 Schools
•  Accounting System: Financial Edge (FE) by Blackbaud
Customer Since: 2017 

Jamie Bancroft, an experienced accounts payable specialist and a working mom, is part of the small but mighty finance department at Landon School. Before adopting AvidXchange, the finance department handled everything manually, from receiving check requests via e-mail to scanning invoices and hand-coding them, as well as physically mailing out checks.  

These manual processes led to inefficiencies, errors, and labor-intensive tasks. Additionally, the workload increased due to the school’s extensive campus renovation project, requiring meticulous attention to permits, payments to contractors, and managing a multitude of vendors and utility bills.  

Overall, the complexity of the finance department’s tasks within the business office involved enforcing rules, navigating bureaucracy, and ensuring compliance with auditing and reporting requirements. Navigating these intricacies took a significant amount of time and bandwidth – something Bancroft and her team didn’t have to give.   

When Bancroft assumed her role as account specialist at Landon School, AvidXchange was already in place, spearheaded by the previous student biller. Bancroft recalls that her predecessor decided to adopt AvidXchange to accommodate a more senior role, allowing Bancroft to work part-time while efficiently managing the workload.  

While using AvidXchange, Bancroft soon experienced streamlined invoice approval processes because of the anytime, anywhere access, automated data entry, and facilitation of electronic payments. These features reduced reliance on manual tasks and physical paperwork.  

As a busy working mom, the adoption of AvidXchange’s AP automation products and solutions empowered Bancroft to work from home, offering flexibility and convenience, while also enabling easier invoicing tracking and approval from budget managers and higher-level stakeholders.  

Implementation of AvidXchange resulted in significant time savings and increased efficiency for Bancroft, allowing her to focus on other responsibilities and explore ways to improve processes. The automated system facilitated better invoice management, reduced errors, and provided greater transparency in the payment process.  

Looking to the future, Bancroft anticipates that AvidXchange will continue to save her time by continually improving processes and enabling deeper invoice tracking all while transitioning to new ERP systems like Veracross.  

Overall, the adoption of AvidXchange’s accounts payable automation has transformed the way tasks are handled, offering a more streamlined and effective approach to managing finances and supplier relationships at Landon School. 

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