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Accounts Payable Blog Articles


Future-Proofing the Office of the CFO: Executive Coach Jennifer Elder Preaches Strategy, Preparation

This post is part of an interview series by AvidXchange CEO and co-founder Michael Praeger.  The professional landscape has altered ...

Accounts payable professionals working together

SURVEY: Accounts Payable Professionals Are Unsatisfied, Searching for New Jobs

With the unemployment rate hovering at 3.6% and The Great Resignation still in full swing, finance departments are looking for ...

Screenshot of a video meeting between Claudia God and Mike Prager.

Future-Proofing the Office of the CFO: Borger Management’s Claudia Good Outlines ‘Stay-the-Course’ Approach to Remote Work

This post is part of an ongoing interview series conducted by AvidXchange CEO and co-founder Michael Praeger. Make sure to ...

Businessman explaining project in front of him on the conference table to colleagues in a meeting

How Controllers Become Great CFOs

You’re a successful financial controller. And now you’re ready to take your career to the next level. You want a ...

Future-proofing the Office of the CFO with Kitty Payne

Future-Proofing the Office of the CFO: A Conversation With Kitty Payne About Using Technology to Boost Financial Team Productivity

While many of us are ready to move on from the COVID-19 pandemic, we can’t deny how much the way ...

Screenshot of video call between Mike Praeger and Alpana Wegner.

Future-Proofing the Office of the CFO: A Conversation with Alpana Wegner, CFO at Benefitfocus

I understand it’s getting tiresome to continue talking about the global pandemic we’ve all lived through over the last two ...

Finance career

3 Ways to Fast Forward Your Finance Career

Are you ready to grow in your finance career? We pinpointed three ways to consider: sharpen your strategic thinking and ...

Young professional uses financial storytelling skills

5 Tips to Improve Your Financial Storytelling Skills

An important message is being communicated around the finance industry: Become effective at financial storytelling and you’ll accelerate your career. ...

hands on laptop keys

REVx 2021: New Technology Presents Opportunity for Finance Pros

This just in, finance professionals: You’ve entered a different world. You’re facing an ongoing wave of new technology to learn ...

Professional man presenting to small group

New Year’s Guide to Starting Fresh And Flourishing in Finance in 2021

As the new year kicks off, many of us feel a renewed sense of optimism and anticipation for the possibility ...

High-Tech Talent For The Real Estate Industry

Pursuing High-Tech Talent Will Help Drive Commercial Real Estate Industry Growth

With so many people this year suddenly working from home, the commercial real estate industry is now faced with challenges ...

AP automation machine learning accounts payable

Data and Machine Learning — Goldmine of Growth Opportunities in AP Automation

When you think of important corporate assets, you might picture physical things such as office buildings, computers and printers. But ...

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