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Electronic Payment Systems: The Complete Guide

Electronic payments have emerged as one of the best ways to send money. Many businesses are choosing to use payment ...

stressed professional woman sitting at computer screen

The Top 15 Excel Hacks for Finance Professionals

Excel is a powerful tool for saving, presenting, and manipulating data, but not all finance professionals are using it as ...

multiple business people standing around conference table looking at papers

Be the Boss of Budgeting with These Best Practices

Few things in the business world inspire as much concern as preparing annual budgets. Business unit managers often struggle with ...

woman working in warehouse wearing yellow safety vest scanning inventory

Inventory Optimization and its Role in Businesses

Inventory optimization is a supply-chain management method that attempts to remove excess inventory while maintaining the right amount of inventory ...

rhonda greene headshot

Ask the AP Automation Expert: Solutions Consultant Rhonda Greene

Rhonda Greene has served in several integral roles for AvidXchange over the last few years, including Vice President of Payment ...

10 Tips for Accounts Payable Success in 2015

If it isn’t broken, why fix it? That’s the general sentiment when it comes to companies’ current vendor approval process, ...


Benefits of Cloud-Based Payment and AP Automation

According to Forbes Magazine, a leading provider of articles on finance, industry, and investing, one of their top technology trends of ...


What is the Formula for AP Automation Success?

There is a formula for success — it is an equation that is made up of gathering data, creating a ...

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