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New Work Environment? No Worries. Here are 5 Tips to Help Your Team Adjust

June 18, 2020
Shot of two businessmen having a video conference used by AvidXchange in article about managing the stress of changing work environments

In a flash, we were working from home.

Now, many of us are returning to offices that likely look and feel much different than they did when we left them.

Whether still working from home or phasing back to the office, adjusting to new ways of working can create anxiety and stress at a time when we need less worry and more balance.

Now, more than ever, it’s important that we check in with our teams. See how they’re adapting and provide the tools and resources to help make their days more efficient and better balanced.

To better understand how to help our teams adjust, we joined history-making astronaut, Captain Scott Kelly; IOFM’s executive editor, Jess Scheer; and AvidXchange’s Chief People Officer, Todd Cunningham for a discussion on how changing environments are impacting your finance team.

[Watch the webinar: The Stress Test – How Changing Environments Are Impacting Your Finance Team]

Here are their top 5 tips for getting your team back in the groove:

Focus on the here and now. Don’t worry about the rest.

It’s easy to get stuck wondering how long we’ll be working from home, when we’ll return to the office and what our new normal might look like. Try not to focus on the next days or months. It’s largely out of our control. Instead, think about what you can do today. A clear focus not only helps you do your job, it also improves your mental health.

Encourage your teams to maintain a work life balance.

Take it from Captain Kelly, who set a record for living in outer space: Without a schedule and clear delineation between workdays and weekends, time blends together and it all feels (horribly) the same. Keeping a schedule that ensures balance can be tough, especially if you’re working from home. Make sure you take time to relax and do things you enjoy. Even a little Netflix will do you good.

Stay engaged with your teams through virtual channels.

Working remotely can feel pretty isolating. Even though you can’t meet up with your co-workers in the break room or gossip over the cubicle walls, you can still connect. Leverage technology like video chat to stay in touch, and don’t be afraid to pick up the phone instead of sending another impersonal email or text.  The human element of a call or video chat will help you stay engaged, re-establish important relationships, and provide a social outlet, too.

Leverage solutions like AP automation, so your finance teams can work from anywhere.

Make it easier on everyone by turning to automation. Solutions like AP automation can reduce stress by enabling teams to access documents from anywhere, at any time. It also helps free your teams from manual tasks, allowing them to focus on more important areas and giving them more time back in their day.

Recognize that getting back to the office may be tougher on some.

Captain Kelly had to adjust to returning home after living in space for a full year. For some, coming back to the office after working from home may feel just as jolting. Recognize that change can be challenging, especially when the offices we’re returning to look and feel much different from when we left them. Give teams time to adjust to their new normal, and they are more likely to start feeling comfortable and confident.

Want to hear more from Captain Scott Kelly on how he adapted to stress while living in space for a year? Click here to access the full on-demand webinar.

Eager to learn how AvidXchange’s automated solutions can streamline your AP processes to make life easier and more efficient for your entire team? Schedule your free demo today.