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Accounts Payable Invoice Processing

Accounts payable invoice processing consists of the workflows that move an invoice from the creation stage all the way to the approved and paid stages, where the supplier or vendor has received their expected payment. Many middle-market organizations continue to manage their accounts payable invoice processing manually, using paper.

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This means that they receive an invoice from a supplier or vendor and then manually read it, hand it to employees with approval authority, categorize it in a large filing cabinet, and then send it off to the supplier, who will then have to wait days or even weeks before they can confirm that payment has been received. Not only is this entire process completely inefficient, but it is also prone to security flaws and causes your accounts payable team to focus on processing tasks instead of strategic initiatives that can help improve your business. One key aspect of accounts payable invoice processing is the invoice checking process. Normally, invoices are checked for errors by manually looking over the paper document and ensuring that all the details are correct. After this, an invoice processing journal entry is often made. Accounts payable journals are often used to keep track of processed invoices and are important for record-keeping. In order for the record-keeping to be kept accurate, there must be a journal entry for invoices received from vendor at every appropriate transaction. Fortunately, there is another way for accounts payable teams to process invoices. They can move to a paperless system that would streamline their workflows, increase security of invoices and payments, and instantly send and receive invoices, speeding up the entire process and increasing efficiency. AvidXchange offers an invoice processing solution called AvidInvoice that allows you to take advantage of the powers of automation to end the deluge of paper invoices and get your accounts payable team ahead of the game.

What is an Accounts Payable Invoice?

An accounts payable invoice is a document a supplier sends to a customer to request payment for services provided. The invoice typically includes details such as the date of the service, the total amount due, and the payment terms. Accounts payable invoices are used in B2B transactions and are recorded as a liability on the customer’s balance sheet until paid.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Flowchart

An accounts payable invoice processing flowchart can help you to design custom workflows because it highlights each step the invoice takes as it moves from initial receipt to full approval and bill payment. It is the process flow chart of accounts department. The purpose of an accounts payable invoice processing flow chart is to illustrate all of the accounts payable process steps so that the entire team is on the same page. This ensures that approval workflows are adhered to consistently, and it can also make it easier to train new members on the team. Creating flow charts such as these can be accomplished by searching for a billing process flow chart template online and using that to build your workflows. For these reasons, using an accounts payable process flow chart to describe the accounts payable process pictorially can be a very helpful tool for an AP team.

Going digital doesn’t mean losing all control. With AvidXchange, you can improve your invoice processing efficiency without sacrificing your current approval workflows and processes. Additionally, with AvidInvoice from AvidXchange, you can even design your own custom workflows for use within the platform. Because AvidXchange has launched a strategic partnership with SAP Concur, the AvidPay network now supports the processing of invoices in SAP. If you had created an accounts payable process flow chart in SAP, those steps and workflows are now compatible with AvidXchange, allowing you to completely integrate your automated invoice and bill payment solutions with your existing workflows and accounting software.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing In SAP

AvidXchange provides over 210 integrations to make sure that your accounts payable software is completely seamless with your existing accounting system. This allows you to automate your accounts payable in SAP easily and get rid of the traditional paper processes that are so inefficient. With accounts payable invoice processing in SAP provided by AvidXchange, you’ll be able to secure and speed up your Concur invoice payments, as well as give your accounts payable team access to a cloud-based system. In this system, members of your team and employees with approval authority can access, track, and manage the entire accounts payable process in SAP from anywhere. Now, you may be wondering, “What is invoice processing in SAP?” That’s a great question. Concur SAP is powerful accounting software that helps you manage all of your different invoices in one system. In this system, transactions are recorded using special codes. These are called SAP accounts payable transaction codes. This is the meaning of invoice processing in SAP “tcode”. Using these codes, users of Concur SAP can access and see transactions within the system. An SAP invoice process flow chart illustrates the invoice processing steps in SAP and demonstrates how the process occurs. There are many accounts payable process steps, but ordinarily the first is the scanning and translating of paper invoices to digital invoices. This is also where vendor invoice processing in SAP starts. After that, the process continues through both Concur and AvidXchange, where invoices are efficiently and securely processed.

Invoice Processing Steps

For most middle-market businesses, the billing and invoice process starts with the receiving of an invoice from a vendor or supplier that needs to be paid. Many businesses choose to use an invoice processing flowchart and detailed invoice processing steps to make sure that processing invoices for payment are done consistently and according to best practices. Unfortunately, many middle-market companies also rely on paper processes, which can add additional costs and cause significant and unnecessary delays. With an automated solution such as AvidXchange, you can cut those costs and reduce those delays, allowing you to pay your vendors instantly through a trusted and reliable system. Now, many people are unsure about accounts payable in general and may ask questions like, “What is coding in invoice processing?” Understanding invoice coding is an important part of understanding how automated accounts payable solutions can be so helpful. Invoice coding refers to applying a specific code to each invoice to make it easier for the accounting team to track transactions. Traditionally, this coding is done manually, but that can introduce the possibility for errors, which can be very problematic in the event of an audit. However, with AvidXchange, you can automatically process and code your invoices as well as ensure that they are automatically sent to the correct person in the approval workflows you have designed.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Best Practices

It’s crucial that your accounts payable team is following accounts payable invoice processing best practices. Your team can be helped with an accounts payable internal control checklist that can provide guidance for your AP team in terms of consistently following the appropriate workflows for each invoice that comes in. The idea of the checklist is to codify and write down the exact accounts payable process steps that you want your team to follow and then ensure that they follow those steps consistently. A part of this systemization of your invoice processing could be an invoice verification checklist. Checklists like these can help you better know how to organize accounts payable invoices. In terms of constructing your own checklist, you could purchase and download an accounts payable checklist template and then customize it to suit your AP needs. Templates like these can also help you know the best invoice checklist format as you work on building your own. You might also look into creating an invoice audit checklist, as well as an overall accounts payable audit checklist. These kinds of checklists, like the flowcharts discussed previously, can help to keep your AP team on track and working like clockwork. One great way to stay up to date with accounts payable best practices, though, is to use an automated AP solution that will ensure you are always processing your invoices on time and according to all appropriate specifications.

What Is Invoice Processing In Accounts Payable?

You may still be wondering, what is invoice processing in accounts payable? One basic invoice processing definition is that it is the sum total of all the steps an invoice takes from initially being received to being processed, approved, and paid. Ensuring that your middle-market business has an established invoice processing procedure that follows all best practices is an important part of ensuring that your business is compliant with regulations as well as scalable. You need to have a solid understanding of the accounts payable end to end process. An automated solution such as the one from AvidXchange can give you unprecedented visibility into that process.

Invoice Processing System

An invoice processing system takes paper invoices from vendors and converts them into a digital format. After that, the system checks the invoices for errors and then sends them to the appropriate employees and administrators for approval before sending off payment and recording the transaction. This is a high-level description of accounts payable invoice processing. With automated invoice processing, you can cut the additional costs of paper and fully streamline your billing and invoicing process. You could also use an invoice processing flow chart to document the steps in your vendor invoice processing checklist. In the end, AvidXchange can be a powerful tool for processing invoices for payment.

More About Accounts Payable Invoice Processing

Accounts payable invoice processing can be extremely time consuming if not done in a methodical, efficient way. Having to sort through stacks of invoices and route them for approval is an important step in the AP process, but it’s helpful to have some sort of system or strategy for getting it done effectively. Some businesses, for example, choose to automate their invoice checking process. This means that certain aspects of their AP process can be done automatically without them having to manually check every invoice that comes through. Others might make an invoice processing journal entry for each invoice they manage. Each journal entry for invoice received from vendor should be recorded to help you keep better track of things. Invoice processing usually follows a set of steps. An invoice is received, assigned to the appropriate workflow, routed for approval, and posted to the company’s account. While this process is usually fairly straightforward, it can be complicated by large volumes of invoices, which is why many businesses turn to AP software to help automate their accounts payable tasks. AP solutions are a great way to manage your invoices and keep your workflows moving smoothly. They can be especially good for businesses that manage lots of invoices on a regular basis. AvidInvoice is AvidXchange’s invoice processing software, and it allows users to streamline their invoice process. AvidInvoice is a paperless solution, meaning that you’ll never have to deal with stamps and paper again. With this software you can manage all of your invoices in a single platform, utilizing OCR technology to reduce human errors and ultimately save time in the long run. AvidInvoice grants users full visibility into their workflows so that they can see exactly what’s happening as it happens. AP invoice processing can be made much easier with an invoice processing solution like this.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Flowchart

Making an accounts payable invoice processing flowchart can help you organize your invoices and visualize each step of the process. For instance, if you use SAP, you might make an accounts payable process flow chart in SAP to get a handle on the system. There are different accounts payable process steps you can follow, depending on your business operations, but generally speaking, it’s best to standardize your workflow as much as possible to prevent errors and promote efficiency. Likewise, you may implement a billing process flow chart template to help standardize your billing process and get everyone on the same page in terms of how payments should work. Your process flow chart of accounts department might detail the roles and responsibilities of each person on your AP team, outlining the steps they should follow to help ensure a timely accounts payable process. If you want to really dig into the specifics of your AP process as a whole, you could design an accounts payable process flow chart to better understand the steps in the process and how they work together to achieve the best results. Flowcharts are a great tool for understanding how your process works from a big-picture level.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing in SAP

If you’re an SAP user, you are likely familiar with accounts payable invoice processing in SAP. While accounts payable in SAP can be managed for maximum efficiency, it can be helpful to have an SAP invoice process flow chart, outlining each step of the process. Your accounts payable process in SAP might be tailored to fit your business needs, but it can still be a good idea to follow some basic accounts payable process steps to ensure continuity and consistency. SAP accounts payable transaction codes can be used to simplify your process and convey information quickly. For example, in one invoice processing in SAP TCODE, MIRO stands for “enter incoming invoice,” and FBL1N denotes “vendor line items.” Whatever invoice processing steps in SAP you follow, it can be good to have a system for rapid communication. Vendor invoice processing in SAP can flow much more smoothly this way. AvidPay, AvidXchange’s bill payment software, integrates with SAP Concur Invoice to offer a user-friendly solution to help SAP users reduce risky payment processes and pay their bills in an easier way. With this integration, users can go paperless and get round-the-clock access to their AP-related tools and documents. They can also protect against fraud and get their suppliers paid in a timely manner. AvidPay enables SAP Concur Invoice users to scale and automate their AP, opening the door to new accounting opportunities.

Invoice Processing Steps

Invoice processing steps typically follow a standard pattern. Invoices are received and sorted by type, directed to the appropriate manager for approval, and finally paid to vendors. Of course, your billing and invoicing process might look slightly different from others, depending on how your accounting department is organized and how much time and effort you can afford to dedicate to each task. Outlining an invoice processing flowchart can give you a better idea of how to implement an effective process. When dealing with AP you might hear about coding, but what is coding in invoice processing? Essentially, AP coding involves sorting and organizing invoices according to a set of parameters so that they are easier to keep track of and move through the pipeline. This can be useful when processing invoices for payment. Invoice coding can often be done with special software, allowing you to take a step back and let the solution do the hard work.

Accounts Payable Invoice Processing Best Practices

When it comes to accounts payable invoice processing best practices, there isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all strategy for getting the most out of your AP process. There are, however, some basic accounts payable process steps that can help you stay on top of things and complete your tasks in an efficient manner. You might start by creating an accounts payable internal control checklist, which can help you decide how to organize accounts payable invoices. Similarly, an invoice verification checklist might be used to ensure that each invoice is received from the right person and contains the required identifying information. If you need help creating a checklist, you can use an accounts payable checklist template. An invoice audit checklist might also be used to help with auditing. With an accounts payable audit checklist, you can see what has come in and gone out and correct any errors that may have occurred. Your invoice checklist format should be aligned to your AP process but allow room for flexibility should your needs change over time. Following accounts payable best practices is a great way to ensure an efficient accounts payable process, regardless of the software or systems you use.

What is Invoice Processing Accounts Payable

In accounts payable, invoice processing refers to the process of receiving and approving invoices. While the invoice processing definition can vary depending on the company, it usually involves the handling of invoices from receipt to payment. Your invoice processing procedure can be managed in a number of ways. You may choose to do everything by hand, or you may decide to automate certain tasks. It can be helpful to experiment with different strategies to see what works best for your specific AP process. The accounts payable end-to-end process is an important component of accounts payable, as it guarantees that invoices are managed appropriately and quickly processed for payment. Handling each step of the process with care can ensure you don’t skip over anything important. It can also help you spot errors and get them resolved as quickly as possible.

Invoice Processing System

There are many ways you can implement an invoice processing system. Accounts payable invoice processing is often best managed with an AP solution, which can help automate much, if not all, of the process. Your billing and invoicing process can also be handled with accounts payable software. Making an invoice processing flowchart ahead of time can be a good way to organize your process so that when it comes time to implement your software, you know exactly how to set things up. Processing invoices for payment is the final and most important step in the invoice management process. This is the point at which businesses finalize payments and get them sent off to their creditors. Before doing so, however, it’s important to make sure that everything is in order. You might make a vendor invoice processing checklist so that you can easily track the most important items in the process. This can also help you avoid making any mistakes. AvidXchange is among the best AP software solutions for the middle market, helping businesses drive greater success through automation and enhancing their invoice processing systems. While AvidXchange boasts over 225 integrations with widely used accounting platforms, it does not replace your existing AP system; rather, it works with it to deliver the best results. One of the primary benefits of working with AvidXchange to automate your accounts payable is that you can make the process 100-percent paperless. Since the platform is cloud based, you don’t need to worry about finding specific paper documents or mailing individual bills. You can simply log in to the system and access what you need, whenever you need it.